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Religions in Paris

In the middle of the 16th century, Paris was the helpless witness of a bloody religious war which opposed the Roman Catholic hierarchy and Protestant believers.
The horror culminated in the infamous Massacre of St Bartholomew's Day, in the night of August 23-24, 1572. That night, nearly three thousand souls perished in a bloodbath in the streets of the capital. In 1598, Protestants were granted the freedom to worship as they wished, and since that date the various religious communities have lived in harmony.
Today, all expressions of religious thought are represented in Paris, and visitors will have no difficulty in finding the church, chapel, temple, synagogue or mosque of their choice.

Foreign Catholic Churches & Chapels
Germany: Mission St Albert Le Grand : 38, rue de Spontini (16th)
England: Eglise St Joseph's Church : 50, avenue Hoche (8th)
Italy: Paroisse Saint Pierre  24 rue de Chaillot 75016 Paris.
Belgium: Belgium Mission: 228, rue Lafayette (10th)
Spain: Spain Chapel: 23, rue de Friedland (8th)
Hungary: Hungary Chapel: 42, rue Albert Thomas (10th)
Poland: Notre-Dame de l'Assomption Chapel : 263 bis, rue St Honoré (1st)
Portugal: Sanctuaire Notre-Dame de Fatima: 48, boulevard Serrurier (19th)

Roman Catholic churches
Saint Roch: 296, rue Saint-Honoré (1st)
Saint Joseph Church  50 avenue Hoche (8th)
Saint Germain l'Auxerrois : 2, place du Louvre (1st)
Sainte Chapelle: Boulevard du Palais (1st)
Notre-Dame de Paris: Place du Parvis Notre-Dame (4th)
Saint Séverin: 3, rue des Prêtres St Séverin (5th)
Saint Sulpice: Place Saint-Sulpice (6th)
Saint Louis des Invalides: 2, avenue de Tourville (7th)
Saint Thomas d'Aquin: Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin (7th)
Madeleine: Place de la Madeleine (8th)
Saint Augustin: 46, boulevard Malhesberbes (8th)
Trinité: Square de la Trinité (9th)
Saint Honoré d'Eylau: 71, rue Boissière (16th)
Sacré Coeur: 37, rue du Chevalier de la Barre (18th)

Lutherian churches
Billettes Temple: 24, rue des Archives (4th)
Saint Marcel Temple: 24, rue Pierre Nicole (5th)
Saint Jean Temple: 147, rue de Grenelle (7th)
Ascension Temple: 47, rue Dulong (17th)

Foreign Protestant Churches
Deutsche Evangeliste Cristus-Kirche: 25, rue Blanche (9th)
American Church: 65, quai d'Orsay (7th)
Church of the Holy Trinity: 23, avenue George V (8th)
Quakers: 114, rue Vaugirard (6th)
Svenska Kirkan: 9, rue Médéric (17th)
Wesleyan Methodist: 4, rue Roquépine (8th)

Adath Yechouroum Synagogue: 25, rue des Rosiers (4th)
Beth Israël Synagogue: 3, rue Saulnier (9th)
Ohel Abraham Synagogue : 31, rue Montévidéo (16th)
Temple Guez Synagogue: 19, rue de Tourville (20th)

Paris Mosque/ Muslim Institute: Place du Puits de l'Hermite (5th)
Omar Ibn Al Khattab Mosque: 79, rue J.P Timbaud (11th)
Al-Dawat Mosque: 39, rue de Tanger (19th)

Orthodox Churches
Armenian: 15, rue Jean Goujon (8th)
Greek: 7, rue Georges Bizet (16th)
Romanian: 9 bis, rue Jean de Beauvais (5th)
Russian: 12, rue Daru (8th)
Ukrainian: 6, rue de Palestine (19th)

Buddhist Cultural Centre 40 bis, route du Lac Daumesnil (12th)
Buddhist International Institute: 20 cité Myonet (12th)

Temple des Adventistes du 7e jour: 63, rue du Fg Poissonnière (9th)
Temple des Adventistes du 7e jour: 130, bd de l'Hôpital (13th).